Where is York Industries located?

303 Nassau Boulevard, Garden City Park, NY 11040, USA

Was the company established in New York?

Affirmative. York Industries was established in New York City in 1943.

Is York Industries ISO certified manufacturer?

Yes, we are ISO 9001: 2015 certified company.

What is York Industries contact email?

For customer support and engineering reach us at: support@york-ind.com. For feedback: feedback@york-ind.com and accounting and financial matters can be discussed via: accounting@york-ind.com

Is York Industries an official Gates reseller?

Yes, our company is an official partner and distributor of Gates Corporation timing belts.

Does your company offer custom products?

Yes, we offer custom timing belt pulleys, gears, and assemblies manufactured on request from our customer based on either a CAD model file, drawing specification, or even a classic blueprint.

Can I meet with your sales representatives in person?

Yes, you can book a meeting with one of our sales representatives using our email or by phone. We can also reach out to you if you place an order using the Request a Quote feature. We advise that prior to any visit to one of our offices in either New York or Poland, you contact us first in order to schedule an appointment.

Can I send you a fax?

Certainly, you can send us your documents to this fac number: +1 (516) 746-3741.

Where can I get your product catalog?

You can browse our product catalog in our online shop or can download it in a PDF file format from our Home Page or here.

Can I get a custom price for stock products in greater numbers?

Yes, that is one of the options in our online shop. Usually, if you order more than 200 stock components, we can calculate a custom quotation regarding both price and lead time for your order.

How fast is York’s lead time?

Approximately 70% of products we manufacture leave the factory on the same day they were produced and inspected. Most components made at York Industries are shipped to our customers in up to a few days. Please bear in mind that the realization of an order with larger volumes or more complicated components may take more time. Our customer support employees will contact you in any case where the production time will be longer than anticipated.

Is York Industries part of any industry organizations?

Yes, we are an official AGMA (American Gear Manufacturers Association) member and have been one of the pioneers of small synchronous drive components manufacturing and one of the oldest companies in our industry.